New Online Study: A Social Identity and Social Cure Approach to Depersonalisation And Derealisation

Nottingham Trent University are looking to recruit people aged ≥ 18 years with past and/or present history of depersonalisation and/or derealisation to participate in an online study about the role of social identity in the experience of symptoms.

Participation is purely voluntary and will involve completing a short online survey (about 15 minutes). If you or someone you know are interested in taking part, the study can be accessed here to go to the study landing pages.

Participate in this study
Deze studie is afgerond, deelname is niet meer mogelijk

The study was considered by the Schools of Business, Law and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee at Nottingham Trent University, who expressed favourable ethics opinion on the application.

It is the their aspiration to shed further light on this condition and help individuals with depersonalisation and derealisation symptoms. Your participation would be most helpful and much appreciated.

For any information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Principal Investigator, Dr Emanuele Fino, with any questions you may have regarding the study.

Bron: Unreal (Engelse patiëntenorganisatie voor mensen met DPDR – depersonalisatie-derealisatiestoornis)